No Time for Snooze! 6 Tips to ensure robustness and health during this time.

Putting my thoughts down on paper regarding the current crisis is something I have never done before, and in light of what we are all feeling right now, I want to share my thoughts and positivity. This is the most significant crisis the world has experienced in my lifetime. I usually think out loud and often share my every thought, but the scale and breadth of serious issues affecting our people and our businesses has me overwhelmed to say the least.

Millions of people and thousands of businesses are being severely impacted by the ongoing pandemic. Because many of our businesses in industries like travel, leisure and wellness, they are in a massive battle to survive and save jobs, and yet our health services are totally overloaded we have a responsibility to keep ourselves on lock-down, but that doesn’t mean the snooze button goes on.

Leisure and activity is something we can all ensure to keep on top of, why? Because our children, our parents our siblings, vulnerable friends demand it of us. Our own health and wellness have now come into question now more than ever. To see so many of us affected deeply by the current crises is sad however, we are in a position to re-set, take control of old bad habits, create new ones, ensure that post pandemic us and our families are robust for a better future. It will get better.

It is up to each an every one of us at home to do our part to create a healthy future. In doing this here are 6 steps to enable robustness and health going forward;

1.  Morning Mindfulness practice – making it habit, keep guard to your thoughts and what you are allowing in. Keep 10 minutes before phone, news, media, expose your mind to the good stuff before you begin your day.

2.  Morning activity – choose an activity you are familiar with, walking, yoga, daily communication with family, whatever it is you do at this time, keep the routine.

3.   Daily exercise block- new or regular to exercise, there is so much to do even in a confined space, there are plenty of home fitness live sessions available now online. Keep up and keep moving.

4.    Midday Resetyoga, mobility, stretch, quiet time, reading time, writing time.

5.    Daily news update- read and watch for facts and reliable sources on the Corona Virus impact. Keep guard of unreliable ‘fake news’.

6.    Support each other- in doing so, support those close to you, facetime regularly, sit with those you are living with, chat about anything other than the obvious current scenario for 10 minutes.

We are doing all we can to stop what is happening now, at Buff Performance  who virtually decided to volunteer time every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning to serve people confined to home life, a 30 minute live and interactive exercise class, for as long they need. This is in order to limit mental and physical hardship for all and try to protect everybody’s mental health. There is a tiny fee of €5 for unlimited classes, with 50% of this fee going to charity, this allows respect for community while some are on the front line serving the sick, while offering money in return for all they do. We can hopefully emerge and thrive with as many people as possible involved and keeping ourselves intact once the situation stabilizes. 

You are your number one priority right now, in turn we help to stabilize illnesses, deaths and our future. We should proud of how we have dealt with everything up to now and will continue to do so.

Thank you to everyone working on the frontlines of this crisis – true heroes!

Niamh Buffini