FAQ’s About our services and Privacy Policies
All you need to know getting started with Buff Performance.
World class guidance
See our subscriptions
1. How is Buff Performance operating with current COVID guidlines in Ireland?
Buff Performance follows all COVID guidline related to sports and training as outlned by the Irishe are operating on a one to one basis in our gym in Tallaght. For private strength & conditioning or fitness solutions. Local goverment guidlines HERE
We are also online !! We have weekly online fitness sessions Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There are also online sessions and consultations available for those who request it. No session is recorded unless it is requested and agreed to before hand.
2. How do I get started?
Contact niamh@buffperformance.com and arrange a zoom call, Niamh will talk to you to figure out your needs/goals, from there we can structure what your plan could look like. There are subscription available on our subscritpions page , however if there is anything else you would like to arrnage please contact Niamh HERE
3. Do I need to have experience in strength and conditioning to get started with a plan?
Absolutely not, Niamh specializes in all levels of ability, in fact getting started is the most difficult for some people, however, it is at this time, when clients will see the biggest improvement in their ability as it is the period of when most learning take place. Niamh coaches, new others wanting to gain more fitness to professional athlets, and anyone in between
4. What can I expect from a Buff fitness program or plan?
Clients will be introduced to head coach Niamh Buffini via a zoom call or face to face meeting. Niamh will gain a full understanding of what you are looking for. After which she will talk you through your best possible option to match and reach your goals. Clients are encouraged to look at the subscriptions and services available first to gauge prices and processes first before speaking with Niamh. The prcoess - we like to do a movement screen and testing process using Output sports systems to gauge any movement issues and your S&C ability, these tests are not invasive unless deemed necesary and are tailored to your needs. Depending on the length of your chosen program, we like to create the best program to achieve your goals which Niamh will create and oversee. We then work hard and motivate you 1-1 in order to achieve your absolute best. Our program is then put to the test during at the end of your time with us to ensure we have done what we set out to do! Our work is serviced with international and Olympic level coach Niamh Buffini and is scientifically based.
5. Will my program include loads of weight training?
It depends on your needs and level of ability and gym experience. In our online fitness classes for example, we include general gym class equipment such as kettle bells, dumbbells, resistance bands etc. however for classes we encourgae you to shoose your type of resistance, bottles of water or body weight. For the 1-1 programs which are uaully sports specific or with fitness enthusiasts we can provide whatever the athlete needs to get them stronger and faster. We strive to provide you with a solution that suits your level.
6. I am an athlete and wish to get more powerful, what are my options?
We specialise world class programs to athletes who wish to push their athletic career to the next level, we have a proven track record of working with top class athletes, Paralympic medalists, World medalists and Olympic athletes. Using Ouput sports solutions we test your progress and monitor your health and wellness. You see instant results and improve for your sport. In particular we specialise in youth athletic training. Those student and school athletes who maybe learning to lift and need and introduction to weightlifting and performance, to those expereinced lifters hoping to get faster and stronger.
7. Do you do athletic performance testing?
Yes we provide all up to date, scientifically researched based performance testing to track your progress, this includes;
Power testing, strength testing, mobility, flexibility and conditioning testing. We also track athlete loading and wellness using the most up date software Output sports software as our tracking system.
8. If I wanted to do a short term plan to get to the next level of fitness for an event can Buff Performance work with me?
Absolutely, we are in the game of high performance, getting people to their next level of fitness and mental toughness. We will consult and come to a mutual agreement.
9. Where is Buff Performance based?
We are based in South Dublinm Tallaght and have all necessary gym equipment. Our gym, is primarily a martial arts center with times being prioritsed for the resident Taekwndo club. Sould you not find times and days required you can enquire about our online options. We also work mobile with selected teams and clubs who have access to their own facilities that meet the demands of the sport.
10. How do I pay for the service?
After our free consultation, the fee for the plan or program is paid online via link which will be shared with you prioir to commencing the program. Programs for 6 weeks or less require an upfront payment. Programs for more then 6 weeks are on a half or quarterly basis, based on the terms outline on that subscription. If there is not enough money in the account at the time the subscription is due, the system will attempt a debit after 5 days again and subsequently thereafter. Any subscription 6 weeks or less are pid for upfront. Any subscritpions more than 6 weeks will be paid in installments.
11. What are the rates for a program?
Rate for our subscriptions vary and reflect the level of quality of service to the client. Buff performance provides a world class service to its clients and teams at professional, Olympic and Paralympic level.
12. Who are my coaches?
See coach Niamh’s profile HERE (child protection 2021 & Garda vetted 2022)
See coach Aaron’s profile (coming soon) (child protection 2022 & Garda vetted 2022)
Keep your edge
See our subscriptions
Privacy Policies
Further to recent GDPR Regulations that have been enforced, Buff Performance has looked into these regulations for Sports gym.
We at Buff Performance note that the ability to contact our members is imperative for the smooth & safe running of our club, and given the guidance we have received, we shall continue to contact our members by group email and text message where applicable.
In unforseen cases when an event may be cancelled, or there was a break out of sickness, we must retain the ability to contact all of our members. Also, as we do have a steady set of appointments in our gym, our communication with our members is key. We do find that without the ability to contact members by digital media, clients may miss out and fall behind with opportunities.
All cliens and gardian of minors have the choice to be added and or removed from group email communication. Please advise of your position on this.
If you would like to opt in or out of our marketing communication you may do also by directly contacting us. To sign up directly to our newsletter, you sign up directly in the sign up button at the bottom of this page.
Other Communications indirectly from Buff Performance;
Acuity scheduling systems;
All members have the ability to cancel and rescheule booking from the acuity scheduling system or change their notificatins settings.
Paypal and Stripe:
Notifications are sentby a third party website. All members who pay for Buff Performance items authorise the website to send you an emailed receipt and or missed billing communication. Should there be a missed payment the system will attempt to take the payemnt 5 days after. If you cancel this, the entire subscription will be cancelled and initial payments will then be refunded to you. Please contact niamh@buffperformance.com should you need to change payment dates.
Messages via whatssapp;
Buff Performance does not currently use group whatsapp chats however from time to time you maybe required to interact with one, you will be asked for you permission prioir to be added.
BP communicates with minors gardians or parents regarding their minor. (16 years and under) unless required and is given permission to otherwise under the supervision of that parent or gardian.
Digital Media:
Finally: The GDPR regulations also imposes issues of privacy with online sharing of photos & media associated with our club. Upon joining our club all members are given a form which explains that Buff Performance may use photos / video online for the promotion & positive development of sport related gym work. Buff Performance plans to update our records on this item and plan to gain a newly documented formal permission form all members. At this time, if any member wishes to be omitted from any online photographic / digital media please contact us.