Changing it up and expanding your perspective
Changing it up for 2020
It can be really easy to get comfortable where you are and stay inside your comfort zone. You’re unlikely to get hurt here, you might get really good at doing the one thing you know you can do, and your expectations are likely to be just that, in your comfort zone.
But the magic doesn’t happen here. Nothing good in my life has ever happened from the safety of my comfort zone. It’s those moments where you feel you want to run away from the challenge – if you can overcome this phase you can do most things in life that poses a challenge.
Why not try something new. What is there to loose? A friend once said to me, “cant”, isn’t in your vocabulary, this maybe why I can keep an optimistic outlook on life and when difficult challenges come my way, I am still challenged yet willing. At Buff Performance we are always trying new things, keeping up with the latest research in performance, general fitness and conditioning for our class clients. This year we started new fitness bootcamps, operational premises, launched our website and are speaking at our first major conferences. Always trying to push the boundaries a little further with our team and our amazing clients. More expansion is planned for 2020 and beyond.
If you need a little inspiration, keep up with our social media posts @buffperformance and website we have some amazing athletes and clients featured on our stories and we will be adding a ‘My Journey’, section which will be include stories about how we should never lose the thrill of trying something new for the first time and the impact it has on our lives.
Everything that has happened over the past four years has happened outside my comfort zone – and it’s been an incredible journey. I hope you can get out there, expand your opportunities and try something new in 2020.
Niamh Buffini
CEO Buff Performance