Niamh’s 8 Self Care tips this January

Keeping up with your new goals and fitness regime can be demanding. Here are some self-care tips to keep you on track for 2024:

  1. Mindful Tech Use:

    • Set boundaries for screen time, especially on social media. Times when most people are active on their devices are first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Its important to keep this time sacred. A way to control this to time yourself and give yourself a set period for devices and then put it down.

    • Consider digital detox days to reduce constant connectivity. I lost my phone last weekend for most of the day and it was the best experience, we had some family outings to go to and I found myself often thinking, oh wheres my phone, but then feeling immediately relaxed knowing I had no devices to have to answer to. Try it.

  2. Physical Activity:

    • Find a form of exercise you enjoy, whether it's yoga, running, or dancing. Incorporate short, active breaks into your day, especially if you have a sedentary job.

  3. Sleep Hygiene:

    • Have you ever wondered why your body will wake up at weekday time during the weekend? It is always when you don’t want too. It is due to this set routine and is a natural body function. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine will signal to your body that it's time to wind down will allow your body to wake up at a natural time the next morning.

  4. Healthy Nutrition:

    • Prioritize whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. now that the Christmas biscuit box’s are gone, (hopefully) try to focus you main meals on whole foods, fruits and vegetables, you cant have enough in your day. Also stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. Usually 7 glasses of water per day, sip away at it rather than drinking in bulk with large breaks between.

  5. Mindfulness and Meditation:

    • Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment. Try deep-breathing exercises to reduce stress. As part of my mindfulness practice, I like to keep a journal to note everything I am thankful for but also as an outlet for worries, its a very powerful tool.

  6. Quality Time with Loved Ones:

    • Make time for friends and family regularly by nurturing positive relationships and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Relationships have a huge influence on the quality of our lives. It doesn’t even need to consist of a huge circle of people, keeping quality relationships with a tight nit group of people is much more beneficial particularly later in life.

  7. Hobbies and Creative Outlets:

    • Engage in activities you love, whether it's painting, writing, or playing an instrument etc. Find time for hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation, this will give you perspective on your week and allows your mindset to focus on creativity in a world where we are so focused on structure.

  8. Learn to Say No:

    • Set boundaries and prioritize your mental health. Learning to say no to commitments that may overwhelm you or just do not fit into your routine. You may have set new fitness goals or may want to stay off alcohol for January, if there are temptations put past you, use this time to practice your power to say thanks but ‘no thanks’.

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and it's important to tailor these tips to your individual needs and preferences. Regularly assess what works for you and make adjustments as needed. Since its January 8th, meaning its bubble bath day, go ahead and treat yourself to a relaxing hot bath. ahhhhhhh……..

Niamh Buffini