Supporting our young sport enthusiasts during this time.
Ways to overcome mental struggle with your youth is very challenging especially when we are all feeling the slump right now - but there are ways to overcome this with some simple tips below to help you guide your youth to positive interaction with exercise, health and wellbeing.
Young athletes can be extremely focused and with the recent restriction not getting to sport training and the gym can play on their emotions and distract focus. Low mood and fatigue being some of the effects of not getting to play sport, possibly pushing them to reverting to screen time as a way to escape normality.
Tips to help your teen overcome the slump;
1) Get more sunlight - Adding in extra sunlight to their day, getting outside midday when its at its brightest as much as possible, ensures vitamin D exposure.
2) Stop screen time before bed time. Stopping screen time 1 hour before bed can help settle your brain. Late exposure to blue light keeps your brain awake for longer.
3) Veg, Veg, Veg - Encourage them to eat as much vegetables as possible with a variety of color. This will help with mood, energy and the intake essential nutrients needed each day.
4) Exercise with them - allowing them to see you engage in exercise will encourage them to the same. Youth athletes tend not to steer away from the sport related exercise, seeing you engage with it will encourage good habits, family bonding and team work.
5) Talk to each other - speaking about benefits of exercise, feelings of abnormalities can help with feeling low and anxious.
Buff Performance CEO Niamh Buffini recommends daily exercise both indoors and outdoors with a variety of different ways to achieve this. Niamh says “when families can exercise together as pods it creates a whole host of benefits especially for the younger ones”.
Get in touch;
Get in touch about any of our services HERE
Exercise updates;
We are currently creating a log of exercises for upper body, lower body and pillar strength for you to create your own exercise at home, watch out for the youtube updates.
COVID Response;
Buff Performance has responded to the ever-evolving rules and regulations with COVID 19 and its effects it has on sports and fitness enthusiasts. We are passionate about finding ways for our clients to retain as much quality training as possible. Choose one of your services here and we will get back to you with the goods!