Buff Performance

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Why use mobility first before your session?

Here are 6 reasons why!!

1.       Managing imbalances from left to right up to down, e.g. Joints and across muscle groups, if this is not practiced imbalances can spread across to unrelated areas and cause weakness. Starting a session without mobility can be detrimental to your fundamental movement.

2.       Move joints through their full range of motion, before we place effort and weight on our joints with fast movement we must first practice moving them from start to end range, give them a chance to move first, then slowly build to a more active movement. Check out this video.

3.       Overall good joint health – your joints can be left vulnerable if left dormant. A compromised joint can cause pain in other areas. Breathing 101 is a great way to relieve strain or stress and to identify areas of tightness to work on.

4.       Passive mobility progressed to active mobility such as a stretch coupled with a mobility exercise is a great way to keep both joints and muscle groups healthy combined e.g. a glute bridge, the progress to a single leg glute bridge the progress to a superman, hip hinge.

5.       Joints do not receive direct blood supply therefor not receiving nourishment – when you practice mobility through the FRM you stimulate and increase the amount of synovial fluid in the joint which provides nourishment and removes waste from the joint.

6.       Practice through a single joint – if you have an injury which inhibits you from practicing ROM on any side, you can still practice it on the other. Two sides to every story.

Get Mobilized.